September 13, 2020
Lessons Learned
By Wayne Gaeddert
Isaiah 6:1-13
1. Chapter 5 outlines how God was disappointed with the Israelite's and the judgment that was going to come upon them as a result of their sin.
2. Isaiah’s vision in chapter 6 gave him comfort to know that God was in control of what appeared to be chaos.
3. The death of Uzziah created uncertainty in Judah. Assyria was attempting to conquer the world and had already threatened Jerusalem.
4. Although Uzziah the king in Judah had died, Isaiah knew the real King of Israel was alive when he stated, “my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty” (NIV) or “my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts” (ESV and others).
5. According to Jewish tradition Isaiah"s father, Amoz (not the prophet Amos), was the brother of King Amaziah, Uzziah"s father, which would have made Isaiah King Uzziah"s cousin. Dr. Thomas Constable
6. The Lord’s throne is ‘high and lifted up’ indicating that God was in charge and ruling over all the earth. The death of a king did not interrupt God’s plan.
7. No matter what the present circumstances may be, the ‘Lord of Hosts’ (ESV) is still on His throne.
8. “Isaiah is the only one to provide a description in scripture of a creature he called a ‘seraphim’. ”Seth Rodriquez
9. The name ‘seraphim’ means burning ones. They were angelic creatures of great power. NKJV study Bible notes
10. Although the seraphim were above the Lord, their posture and message point to the Lord on the throne. (This is the purpose of every Christian.)
11. It was normal in Isaiah’s culture to cover your feet and face in the presence of royalty.
12. ‘Holy, holy, holy’ emphasizes that God is completely separated from sin.
13. To experience God’s holiness means to experience our lack of holiness and the consequences of our sin. Byron Longino
14. Being in the presence of the holiness of God magnifies the sinfulness of man.
15. Everything in creation points to the glory of God.
16. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. God wants to fill your temple with his presence.
17. ‘Woe is me’ is a cry of despair. Bryon Longino
18. When Isaiah was exposed to God’s holiness, he confessed his unworthiness and expected to die (“I am ruined”). (The penalty for sin is death.)
19. Those who confess their sins are granted God’s grace rather than God’s wrath.
20. First is confession; Second is God’s cleansing; Third is God’s call into service.
21. Isaiah could not cleanse himself. His cleansing was initiated by God after he identified (confessed) himself to be unclean (a sinner).
22. Isaiah accepted God’s call before knowing what God wanted him to do.
23. Unlike Moses and Jeremiah, Isaiah was eager to serve, even before God told him what He wanted Isaiah to do.
24. A successful ministry is not measured by how people respond to the message, but by your obedience to fulfilling the call to serve.
25. God told Isaiah that the people would harden their hearts and not listen but Isaiah was faithful to do what God called him to do.
26. “A man may so harden himself in evil as to render his condition irremediable, and this by God’s retributive judgment upon him.” W. E. Vine
27. Isaiah 6 outline:
Isaiah saddened by the death of the king and the spiritual condition of Israel outlined in chapters 1-5.
Saw a vision of the glory of Jesus ruling from His throne in heaven.
Confessed his sinful condition.
Was cleansed, forgiven, and made fit to serve.
Heard the voice of the Lord calling.
Accepted the call.
Given a mission: Preach to people that will not listen.
Isaiah asked how long the assignment lasted.
Till houses are empty (People are carried away).
Till the land lay desolate (Israel’s identity is lost).
Given the hope of a holy seed (We know that holy seed to be Jesus) that would come forth from the one-tenth of the remnant.