October 24, 2021
Lessons Learned
Colossians 1:24-2:3
by Wayne Gaeddert
1. Only the Spirit can turn persecution into joy. Dr. Bob Utley
2. Spiritual transformation is the goal of the gospel. Author of SS lesson
3. “Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.” Hebrews 5:8
4. Minister—A servant who cares for the spiritual needs of the people.
5. Mystery—Something God has made known but which people otherwise could not discover. (ie Truth God has chosen to reveal by divine revelation.) Author of SS lesson
6. Steward—Someone who manages the resources that belong to someone else.
7. Consider the gifts (spiritual and physical) that God has given you, then ask yourself these questions:
· How will God judge how I have managed what he has given me?
· Do I need to make any adjustments in order for Him to say ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’ Matthew 25:21, 23
8. Find someone you can come alongside of to be an encouragement in their Christian walk.
9. “God made a nation out of Abraham’s seed, distinct from all others and separate from them. The church is reverse of this, and is a union of believers from all races and nationalities into one Body, morally and spiritually separated from all others.” William MacDonald
10. Application:
· Believers can expect to suffer dishonor for the sake of the gospel. The apostles considered it an honor to be ‘worthy to suffer dishonor for Christ.’ Acts 5:41
· The gospel is the same for all nations and peoples of the earth—Christ in you, the hope of glory.
· The goal of all believers is to be mature in Christ.