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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

October 8, 2023 - Mark 8:31-9:1

                                                                                                     October 8, 2023

Mark 8:31-9:1

Lessons Learned

by Wayne Gaeddert

1. The parallel passages are: Matthew 16:21-28 and Luke 9:21-27.

2. The Jewish religious supreme court (The Sanhedrin) was responsible for the death of Jesus.

3. Isaiah 53 is the blueprint for the suffering Messiah.

4. This is the first of three times that Jesus teaches His disciples of His death.

5. The Jews were expecting a deliverer like Moses, but Jesus came to deliver us from the penalty of our sins.

6. Rebuke means to criticize sharply.

7. Mark 2:20 is a veiled reverence to Jesus’ death. “...when the bridegroom is taken away…”

8. The judgment of how you spent your life will last for eternity.

9. Gaining the world does not equate to having the means with which to buy your own soul.

10. Ashamed—reluctant to do something through fear of embarrassment or humiliation.

11. Shame—A painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcomings, or impropriety.

12. Choosing to leave Jesus out of your life now determines that you will exist in a Christ-less eternity where there is darkness, weeping, and gnashing of teeth.

13. Application:

·        The suffering of Jesus was necessary to pay the price for our sins.

·        The cost of discipleship                     The reward of discipleship

                Deny self                                           Eternal life with Jesus

                Take up your cross

                Follow Jesus

·         The cost of being ashamed of Jesus: Eternity without Jesus. (See #12 above.)