November 15, 2020 - Isaiah 53
November 15, 2020
Lessons Learned
By Wayne Gaeddert
Isaiah 53
1. “Isaiah wrote this majestic prophecy some 700 years before Christ, and his primary audience was the Jewish people.” David Baron
2. “The cross must be carried before the crown can be worn.” C. H. Spurgeon
3. “Most of the approximately 80 references to Isaiah in the New Testament come from chapter 53.” Dr. Thomas Constable
4. “Like Mt Everest, Isaiah 53 stands out in beauty, but only because it reveals Jesus Christ and takes us to Mt. Calvary.” Warren Wiersbe
5. “Most modern day Jewish teachers totally disregard this text as referring to the Messiah and do not teach it to the people of Israel. The effect is that most in the nation Israel are blind concerning Jesus Christ.” David Thompson
6. Outline of the 4th Servant Song: Warren Wiersbe
Exaltation: The Shocking Servant. Isaiah 52:13-15
Humiliation: The Sorrowing Servant. Isaiah 53:1-3
Expiation: The Smitten Servant. Isaiah 53:4-6
Resignation: The Silent Servant. Isaiah 53:7-9
Vindication: The Satisfied Servant. Isaiah 53:10-12
7. Dr. Roy Gingrich writes the following points of this scripture:
It is ‘a fifth gospel.’
It is ‘a summary of the four gospel narratives.’
It is ‘the Holy of Holies in the Old Testament.’
It is ‘the Mt. Everest of Old Testament prophecy.’
It is ‘the heart of the book of Isaiah.’
It is the most preached-on portion of the Old Testament.’
It is the section of Scripture most used to convince the unsaved Jews that Jesus is their Messiah.
8. Don’t Follow spiritual leaders because they are charismatic or good looking. Follow those who, “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” 2 Timothy 4:2 NIV
9. “Under the Law of Moses, sheep died (were sacrificed) for the shepherd; but under grace, the Good Shepherd died for the sheep.” Warren Wiersbe
10. The greatest exchange: Jesus took my sin and the punishment for it and gave me His righteousness in order to make me acceptable to God.
11. Jesus volunteered to pay the sin debt for mankind’s sins.
12. “He accepted the unrighteous judgment of man in order to accept the righteous judgment of God to make unrighteous sinners the recipients of that very same righteousness.” John MacArthur
13. Your spiritual bank account is bankrupt until the righteousness of Jesus is deposited to your account when you acknowledge you are a sinner and believe that Jesus died in your place for your sins.
14. He gave His life so that we could experience life.
15. Application:
Jesus did for us what we could not do for ourselves.
Jesus is highly lifted up and exalted.
“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
We were on His mind when He was on the cross.