December 27, 2020 - Luke 2:21-38
December 27, 2020
Lessons Learned
Luke 2:21-38
by Wayne Gaeddert
1. Herod’s Temple, the temple that was in use at the time of Jesus, had 4 divisions within the walls:
· Court of the Gentiles - A place for Gentiles to worship.
· Court of the Israelites - There was a section for women and a section for men.
· Court of the Priests - This is where the priests offered sacrifices on behalf of the people.
· House of God - There were 2 sections here.
The Holy Place - contained the Golden Menorah, Table of Shew Bread, and Altar of Incense. (This is where the angel visited Zechariah.)
The Holy of Holies - The high priest entered on the Day of Atonement once per year.
2. Click the link to see a short movie of Herod’s temple.
3. Mary and Joseph would have been in the women’s section of the court of the Israelites when Simeon and Anna testified about their son Jesus.
4. Circumcision occurred on the 8th day according to the Law. Leviticus 12:3
5. Jesus' name means: “YHWH brings salvation”
“YHWH Saves”
“YHWH is Savior”
6. The angel told both Mary (Luke 1:31) and Joseph (Matt 1:21) the child’s name was to be Jesus.
7. The purification offering must be offered at the temple in Jerusalem by the priest and involved bringing a burnt offering and a sin offering. Leviticus 12:6
8. God gave Moses the command that Israel was to redeem each firstborn son as a reminder of how God redeemed his people from the land of slavery in Egypt. Exodus 13:2, 12-15
9. The cost for redeeming the firstborn son was five shekels (about 2 ounces) of Silver. Numbers 18:15-16
10. The sacrifice offered by Mary for purification was that which poor people offered. Leviticus 12:8
11. “Simeon’s words are traditionally called the ‘Nunc Dimittis’(Now dismiss) from the first two words in the Latin Vulgate.” NKJV note on Luke 2:29-32
12. Simeon and Anna were faithful during a time where God had been silent for 400 years.
13. A matter must be established by the testimony of two witnesses (Deut. 19:15). Therefore God provided Simeon and Anna to verify that his baby Jesus was the expected Messiah.
14. We all need to develop spiritual “eyes” to see what God wants to reveal to us through his Word.
15. Those with spiritual “eyes” share with others what God has shown them.
16. Mary and Joseph marveled at what Simeon told them. Simeon introduced the idea that Jesus would be “a light for revelation to the Gentiles.”
17. God has not rejected anyone from coming to him in faith. People reject God’s love.
18. Application:
Mary and Joseph’s blessing came as they were being obedient to the Law. Don’t expect God’s blessing if you are not being obedient.
Persons with spiritual “eyes” recognize truth that others pass by without noticing.
The Holy Spirit will direct you to where you need to be—don’t grieve the Spirit by refusing his leading.
Jesus will be the stone that causes you to stumble and a rock of offense to you,