January 3, 2021 - Luke 2:40-52
January 3, 2021
Lessons Learned
Luke 2:40-52
by Wayne Gaeddert
1. Review:
Luke 1 - Introduction
The birth of John the Baptist foretold.
The birth of Jesus foretold.
Mary’s song of praise.
The birth of John the Baptist.
Zechariah’s prophecy.
Luke 2 - The birth of Jesus and the shepherd’s visit.
Simeon and Anna testify concerning the baby Jesus in the Temple.
Mary and Joseph head home after the Passover without Jesus.
2. A day’s journey is about 20 miles.
3. It was customary for the Hebrew travelers to sing the Psalms of Ascents (15 Psalms in the series Psalm 120-134) as they went up to Jerusalem.
4. At twelve years old, Jesus was considered a boy and not allowed to participate in worship services.
5. At thirteen years old, Jewish boys and girls became responsible for living according to Jewish Law.
6. Jesus was fully human and fully God. As a human, he went through all the stages of physical and mental development.
7. It would have been unsafe for Jesus to try to catch up with the group after they left Jerusalem.
8. Jesus probably spent the nights at the same place where his family had stayed for the Passover celebration.
9. By this time Mary and Joseph would have had other children of their own.
10. Jesus knew his parents would come back looking for him, and he thought it was logical for them to look for him in ‘My Father’s house.’
11. Jesus honored his parents by being submissive to them.
12. This event added to Mary’s list of ‘treasures’ in her heart about Jesus.
13. For Mary to relay the details of verses 46-47 to Luke the author, Mary and Joseph either observed Jesus and the Rabbis for a while, or were briefed by the Rabbis about their son Jesus.
14. Jesus increased in:
Wisdom - The ability to apply knowledge.
Stature (or years) - Physical growth.
Favor with God - Memorize scripture.
Meditate on scripture.
Scripture was his connection with his Father.
Learned to be submissive to his role as defined in scripture.
Favor with man - People liked him as a young man growing up.
15. At twelve years old, Jesus understood who his Father was.
16. Application:
Parents and grandparents demonstrate to their children and grandchildren their level of commitment to God by teaching them the precepts of scripture and the degree to which they themselves are obedient to the scripture.
Don’t allow yourself to become spiritually ‘dull’ by forgetting the truths contained in scripture. Keep your spirit refreshed.
Treasure in your heart what God has accomplished in your life and the lives of those in your family.