January 10, 2021 - Luke 3:1-18
January 10, 2021
Lessons Learned
Luke 3:1-18
by Wayne Gaeddert
1. Tiberius reigned from AD 14 - AD 37. History records that he excelled as a military commander and administrator but he was very cruel and a morally bankrupt man.
2. Caesar is a title meaning ‘king’ or ‘emperor.’
3. Pontius Pilate was appointed Roman governor of Judea Ad 26 - AD 36.
4. Herod Antipas a son of Herod the Great that ruled in Galilee, the area where Jesus grew up, from 4 BC-AD 39. He divorced his wife in order to marry his half brother Philip’s wife Herodias, who was also his niece.
5. Tetrarch was a title for the governor of one of four divisions of a country or province. Oxford dictionary
6. Philip, a son of Herod the Great, who ruled in Ituraea and Trachonitis from 4 BC to AD 34.
7. Lysanias, a son of Herod the Great, who ruled in Abilene. There is controversy about the dates of his rule.
8. Annas was high priest from AD 6 – AD 15 but retained the title after he was replaced.
9. Caiphas was high priest from AD 18 – AD 36. He was son-in-law of Annas. John 18:13
10. Repentance is recognizing your own sin and turning from it to follow Jesus.
11. Repentance is demonstrated by a changed and transformed life.
12. John was humble. His words were recorded in John 3:30, “He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease.”
13. John separated himself from the religious leaders by preaching out in the desert.
14. In the first century, John was known as ‘John the baptizer.’
15. John’s baptism was not about salvation, it was a recognition of sin to prepare you for the One who would deliver you from your sin.
16. The first step of your salvation experience is to recognize you are a sinner, then you put your faith in Jesus’ death on the cross to pay your sin debt.
17. You will experience God’s grace or God’s judgment. God has left the choice up to you.
18. Application:
How has God prepared your heart to receive His Word? (Parent, friend, stranger, reading the Word, SS teacher, pastor, church camp, youth camp, etc.) Reflect on that and thank God for the people and situations that opened your heart to God’s grace.
No one can claim special privilege because of ancestors. Each person is responsible for their own repentance and placing their faith in Christ for salvation.
Your eternal destiny is determined by your response to Jesus.