July 19, 2020
Lessons Learned
Proverbs 14:8-15
1. Chiasmus- A rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical
constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order, in the same or modified
form. Oxford dictionary lexicon.com/en/definition/chiasmus
2. Proverbs 14:8-15 is written in chiasmus Hebrew poetic form.
A. The prudent and the fools. V8
B. Making amends for sin. V9
C. Secrets of the heart. V10
D. Destruction of the wicked. V11
D. The way to death. V12
C. Secrets of the heart. V13
B. Being repaid for sin. V14
A. The simple and the prudent. V15
3. Each verse draws a contrast between the wise and the foolish.
4. The heart of this text is V11-12 which warns the foolish of death and destruction and
presents a way of escape by being upright.
5. Following God’s wisdom leads to joy, while failing to do so leads to grief.
Dr. Argile Smith
6. Sooner or later, wicked and foolish people reap the consequences of their actions
and come to no good end. Charles Spurgeon
7. Wise and virtuous people are rewarded and flourish. Charles Spurgeon
8. Compare these two verses:
• “Even in laughter the heart may ache,
====and the end of joy may be grief.” Proverbs 13:4
• “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning
or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Rev. 21:4
9. The route that non-Christians choose may seem right to them, but it leads to eternal loss. Keep on the right path, no matter how many are running the other way. V C Grounds
10. The path we are on determines our eternal destination; one leads to life, the other
condemnation. Sper
11. Some times we end up learning the hard way. But God cares enough t tell us the right way and to warn us to be careful. Mart De Haan
12. For the Christian, the dark sorrows of earth will one day be changed into bright songs of heaven. Anon
13. When we know what is true we can discern what is false. Anon
14. Paul refers to our earthly home in the body as a tent that will one day be replaced by a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. See 2 Cor. 5:1
15. Those who are gullible are a prime target for every new idea or fad.
16. The prudent person will evaluate new ideas against the Bible. (The Bereans examined the scriptures to see if what they were told was true. Acts 17:11)
17. Fools make a mock of sin, will not believe;
It has a fearful dagger up its sleeve;
“How can it be;” they say, “that such a thing,
So full of sweetness, e’er should wear a sting?”
They know not that it is the very spell
of sin, to make them laugh themselves to hell.
Look to thyself then, deal with sin no more.
Lest He who saves, against the thee shuts the door.
John Bunyan
18. “’Heart’ is the richest biblical term for the totality of man’s inner or immaterial
nature.” Andrew Bolling