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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

July 26, 2020 - Proverbs 15:33-16:11

July 26, 2020
Lessons Learned
By Wayne Gaeddert
Proverbs 15:33-16:11
1. There are only two kinds of people in the world: those who fear the LORD and those who do not.
2. Everyone who comes to God for forgiveness does so humbly recognizing:
 God’s holiness.
 Their own sinfulness.
 God’s mercy and grace is their only hope for salvation.
3. “God’s people should seek to please Him in their attitudes and actions.”
Dr. Argile Smith
4. When making your plans:
 Allow God to approve, amend, disapprove, or tell you to wait for the proper time.
 Planning a good thing with the wrong motives will not please God.
 Lean on the Lord as you develop your plan, ask for his wisdom.
5. God displays his righteousness by rewarding the upright of heart and destroying the wicked.
6. An abomination is something that turns the stomach of God. It is detestable and abhorrent to Him.
7. Punishment awaits those who are proud and arrogant.
8. ‘The fear of the LORD’ Is the first step to wisdom. 15:33
Gives you the power to turn from evil. 16:6
9. The name of the ‘LORD’ (the covenant name for the God of Israel) is used 10
times in Proverbs 16:1-11.
10. God overrules man’s plans to accomplish His purpose:
 Balaam wanted to curse Israel, but the words came out as a blessing. Numbers 22:38
 Caiaphas the high priest prophesied that Jesus should die for the nation.
John 11:49-52
 God gives the proper words at the time they are needed. Matthew 10:19
11. Those who choose not to submit to God’s standard are called ‘wicked’.
12. It is because of God’s great love for us that God has provided a way for our sin debt to be paid (atoned for).
13. “Goodness has power to charm and win even enemies to itself.” Barnes
14. How you accumulate money does not escape the eye of God.
15. Man’s plan vs God’s plan:
 Saul planned to persecute Christians in Damascus, God intervened and Saul became a Christian and preached in the synagogue in Damascus. Acts 9:1-2, 18-20
 Onesimus planned to leave Philemon forever, but God sent him back as a Christian slave. Philemon 15-16
16. God has placed rulers in their place of authority. If you have a position of authority, you are responsible to God for your judgments.
17. Devising a method to cheat in business deals will NOT earn a blessing from God.
18. To be like Christ, your business deals must be fair and honest.
19. The value of pleasing the LORD:
 God will direct you as you make plans.
 God has provided atonement for your sin.
 God will cause your enemies to be at peace with you.
 God will provide for your needs.
 God will direct your steps.
 God will give you words for the moment.
 God will give you the power to turn away from evil.
 God will give you wisdom to make sound judgments.
20. The phrase ‘The fear of the LORD’ (TFOTL) is used 13 times in the NASB version of
the Bible in Proverbs.
 1:7 TFOTL is the beginning of knowledge.
 2:5 By TFOTL you discover the knowledge of God.
 8:13 Because of TFOTL you will hate evil.
 9:10 TFOTL is the beginning of wisdom.
 10:27 TFOTL prolongs life.
 14:26 In TFOTL there is strong confidence.
 14:27 TFOTL is a fountain of life.
 15:16 With TFOTL you will find satisfaction even though you have few resources.
(My translation).
 15:33 TFOTL is instruction for wisdom.
 16:6 TFOTL gives you the power to turn away from evil.
 19:23 TFOTL leads to life.
 22:4 The reward for TFOTL is riches, honor, and life.
 23:17 Live in the TFOTL always.