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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

January 31, 2021 - Luke 5:1-11, 27-32

                                                                                                    January 31, 2021

Lessons Learned

Luke 5:1-11, 27-32

by Wayne Gaeddert

1. Josephus was so impressed by the beauty of the Sea of Galilee and the fertility of the setting that he wrote, “One may call this place the ambition of Nature.”

2. Click (or copy and paste) on the following link for a brief movie about the Sea of Galilee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pzDegkph4w

3. John 1:44 tells us the home town of Peter was Bethsaida which is very close to Capernaum on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee.

4. Jesus did many miracles in the first year and one half of his ministry in the area of Galilee. Luke 4:31-37, 38-41, 5:12-16, 17-26, 6:6-11, 7:1-10, 11-17, 8:2-3, 22-25, 26-39, 40-56.

5. The miracles of Jesus demonstrate that Jesus is ‘mighty in deed.’ In Luke 1:51 Mary refers to God being ‘mighty in deed’, and in Luke 24:19 the men on the Emmaus road refer to Jesus as ‘mighty in deed.’

6. Jesus had visited the home of Peter and healed his mother-in-law. Luke 4:38-39

7. Gennesaret is another name for the Sea of Galilee.

8. The gospels give us four encounters that Simon had with Jesus:

·        The first meeting- Jesus told him, “You will be called Cephas.” {Cephas (Aramaic) is equal to Peter (Greek)} John 1:42.

·        Jesus had visited the home of Peter and healed his mother-in-law. Luke 4:38-39

·        The call to forsake all and become a disciple. Mark 1:16-18, Luke 5:11

·        The call to be an apostle (sent one). Luke 6:13-16

9. Hearing the word of God is the prerequisite of having faith in Jesus.

10. In God’s presence men’s pride and arrogance is transformed into humility.

11. “Whenever humans encounter the divine presence, they become aware of their sinfulness.” Dr Jere Phillips

12. The fish they caught would die, however, in the new calling, the men they caught would have eternal life.

13. “God does not call people because of their worthiness but because of His mercy and according to His purposes.” Dr. Jere Phillips

14. “Jesus uses ordinary people with diverse backgrounds in His work.” Dr. Jere Phillips

15. The Pharisees three point attack of Jesus to the disciples:

·        They complained about Jesus to the disciples to undermine their allegiance to Him.

·        They considered themselves to be morally superior in order to make their point of view credible.

·        They called into question how Jesus could be a credible man of God because of the people he associated with.

16. “Whatever you do to make a living, your main goal should be to glorify God and your main focus should be to be a witness for Jesus Christ through your behavior, your attitudes, and your words.” Pastor Steven Cole

17: Application:

·        Jesus calls ordinary people will to follow Him to do great things. After the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, it was up the eleven disciples to evangelize the world. What is Jesus calling you to do?

·        Whatever the size of your faith, use it to obey Jesus. Peter used what little faith he had to be obedient to what Jesus said and it forever changed his life.

·        Give God the credit for the blessings that come your way. God is not honored when you attribute ‘good luck’ for the bounty with which you have been blessed by God. Peter humbled himself before Jesus to acknowledge what had taken place.

·        When and where God is at work, there will be someone there to discredit your part in the ministry.