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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

March 14, 2021 - Luke 15:11-32

                                                                                                        March 14, 2021

 Lessons Learned

Luke 15:11-32

by Wayne Gaeddert

1. The parables in chapter 15 are in response to the Pharisees and scribes grumbling that Jesus “receives sinners and eats with them.”

2. In Jewish culture, eating with someone was an act of intimate fellowship.

3. Jesus was popular with those whom the Pharisees and scribes considered to be the ‘dregs’ of society because Jesus met the need of their aching hearts.

4. The pharisees and scribes attitude toward sinners: “’There will be joy in heaven over one sinner who is obliterated before God.’ They looked sadistically forward not to the saving but to the destruction of the sinner.” William Barclay

5. The three parables of chapter 15 as a whole are Jesus’ answer to the grumbling of the Pharisees and scribes. The parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin draw the Pharisees and scribes into the concept that it is worthy to find what has been lost. The third parable highlights:

  • The value of the lost son to the father. (sinners)

  • Demonstrates the love and grace of the father for the lost son. (sinners)

  • The self-righteous attitude of the older son. (pharisees)

  • The older son’s (pharisees) need for a love relationship with the father.

6. The father ran to meet the son and then:   Dr. Don Laughlin

·        The Father's “Kiss” was a sign that he forgave his son.

·        The “Robe” was a sign of “Position” and belonged to the father himself.

·        The  “ring” was a sign of “authority”.

·        The “sandals” were a sign that his son was a free man.

·        The Jews only ate “Red Meat” (Calf) on special occasions.

7. Parables are designed to illustrate a central truth in the form of a story that is a real-to-live situation.

8. The younger son. (represents the tax collectors and sinners)

·        Shamed and dishonored his father by his demand for his share of the inheritance.

·        Broke the 5th commandment to honor father and mother.

·        Converted all his inheritance into cash so he could leave home.

·        Was dissatisfied with the restrictions at home.

·         No love for his father fueled his desire to go to a ‘far country’ to be far removed from the influences of the father.

·        Spent his inheritance resources foolishly (squandered).

·        Lived a sinful lifestyle (reckless living).

·        Ran out of resources that was made worse by a severe famine.

·        No one shared or gave him anything.

·        At his lowest point his thoughts return to his father’s treatment of hired servants.

·         The decision to go home and repent.

9. The father: (represents God)

·        Had a rebellious son and a Self-righteous son.

·        He loved both sons.

·        Allowed the boys to make their own choices in life.

·        Ran to meet his son who was returning home.

·        Was loving and merciful to the repentant son.

·        Welcomed his son back into the family (kiss, best robe, ring, sandals).

·        Celebrated his son’s return.

·        Invited the self-righteous son to rejoice with Him.

·        Explained that his lost brother had repented:

> Was dead and now is alive.

> Was lost and now is found.

10. The older brother: (represents the Pharisees and scribes).

·        Was suspicious about a party he was not prepared for.

·        Became angry when told what his father was doing for his younger brother.

·        Was self-centered (I have...slaved...never disobeyed...my friends).

·        Was jealous of the party for his brother.

·        Was self-righteous (never disobeyed).

·        Saw his father as a task master.

·        Referred to the prodigal as ‘this son of yours’ not my brother.

·        Complained that the father had been unfair to him by celebrating the younger son’s return.

·        The story is open-ended concerning the older brother, allowing the Pharisees and scribes to respond according to their own will.

11. On two occasions Luke stated the purpose of Jesus:

·        “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:32

·        “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

12. Believers can celebrate God’s restoring forgiveness.

13. God offers forgiveness to all who turn to Him for forgiveness.

14. Believers should celebrate the salvation of others.

15. This parable reveals the heart of God for the lost.

16. Application:

·        Seeking forgiveness by repenting of your sin restores your relationship with God.

·        There is joy and rejoicing in heaven when the lost are found and made alive through Jesus Christ.

·        Jesus is not your task master—He is your savior. Recognize His love for you and serve Him out of a heart of praise and thanksgiving for His gift to you.

·        Are there those that you feel, like the Pharisees, are not worthy of being with Jesus?