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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

February 20, 2022 - Daniel 7

                                                                                                       February 20, 2022

 Lessons Learned

Daniel 7:1-14

by Wayne Gaeddert

1. “Daniel 1-6 is history with a ‘dash’ of prophecy, while Daniel 7-12 is primarily prophecy with a ‘dash’ of history.” Unknown

2. Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 are parallel accounts of world history. Daniel 2 is from the perspective of men while Daniel 7 is from the perspective of God.

3. Each of the beasts represents a king according to Daniel 7:17.

4. The four beasts are 4 kings (governments) that have dominion at different times.

·        A lion with wings.

·        A bear raised up on one side.

·        A leopard with 4 wings

·        Is dreadful and terrible with iron teeth and 10 horns and extremely strong.

5. The 10 horns are 10 kings. Daniel 7:24 (History does not have a match for this.

6. The little horn (the anti-christ).

·        Will became greater than the other kings. Daniel 7:20

·        Will put down (humbled) 3 of the 10 kings. Daniel 7:24

·        Will speak against the Most High. Daniel 7:25

·        Will wear out the saints. Daniel 7:25

·        Will have authority 3.5 years. Daniel 7:25

·        Will boast great things of himself. Daniel 7:8,11

·        Will be destroyed by the Ancient of Days. Daniel 7:11, 22

7. Attention given to each beast.

·        The 1st beast verse 4.

·        The 2nd beast verse 5.

·        The 3rd beast verse 6

·        The 4th beast verses 7-8,19-26.

The little horn verses 8,11,20,21,24,25,26.

8. Daniel interpreted the dreams in chapters 2-6 but was not able to interpret his own dream.

9. Application:

·        The picture Daniel was given shows that the kingdoms of men are temporary and progressively growing more destructive and self-centered.

·        Trusting in the rule of the government of men to fix the problems of the world is futile.

·        God is in control of history (His story) and it will be brought to an end according to His plan and timing.

·        We look forward to the kingdom in which Jesus will have dominion—it will never end or be destroyed.