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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

April 30, 2023 - John 18:1-11

April 30, 2023

Gospel of John 18:1-11

Lessons Learned

by Wayne Gaeddert

1. Review chapters 13-17:

Chapter 13—At the Passover meal.

·        Jesus washed the disciples’ feet to display how they should be servants, not lords, to those whom they minister.

·        Jesus foretells that Judas will betray Him so that they will believe when it does happen.

·        Jesus was going away and they could not follow Him, therefore, Jesus gave them a new commandment: that they love one another as He loved them.

·        Jesus foretells Peter’s denial in response to Peter vowing to lay down his life for Jesus.

Chapter 14—Jesus teaches the eleven (Judas has left).

·        Jesus challenges the disciples to:

a)     Not be troubled by His departure because He is going to prepare a place for them.

b)    Believe in Him because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

c)     Demonstrate their love for Jesus by keeping His commandments.

·        Promises not to leave them as spiritual orphans by asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit.

·        The Holy Spirit will:

a) Teach them all things.

b) Bring to remembrance all Jesus had told them.

Chapter 15—Jesus continues His teaching.

·        Maintain your relationship with Jesus

a)     The branch must abide in the Vine.

b)    The Father prunes all the branches for the purpose that the branches bear more fruit.

c)     Bearing fruit is evidence of being His disciple.

d)    Followers are chosen and appointed to bear fruit.

e)  The world will hate you because it hates Jesus.

f)   Followers of Jesus can expect to be persecuted because the world persecuted Jesus.

Chapter 16- More teaching about the Holy Spirit.

·        The Holy Spirit:

a)     Would convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

b)    Will Glorify Jesus.

·        The world would rejoice at the death of Jesus, the disciples would be sorrowful.

·        The disciples would rejoice at the resurrection of Jesus.

·        The Joy of the disciples cannot be taken away.

·        The world is a place to endure tribulation but Jesus has overcome the world.

Chapter 17- Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer.

·        Jesus prayed for himself that He be glorified.

·        Jesus prayed for his disciples that they be kept from the evil one and that they be sanctified in truth.

·        Jesus prayed for all believers to be a testimony to the world that the Father sent the Son.

2. Jesus is not a victim.

3. Jesus went to the Mount of Olives because He knew Judas would look for Him there.

4. Satan won the battle in the Garden of Eden causing Adam and Eve to sin.

5. Jesus won the battle in the garden of Gethsemane by being obedient to the Father’s will.

6. Satan thought he had won the war when Jesus died on the cross.

7. Satan was crushed and eternally lost the war when Jesus victoriously arose from the grave.

8. Revelation 22 describes the new Jerusalem as a garden where once again the saints have access to the Tree of Life.

9. “Jesus knew He was walking into the blast furnace of the wrath of God.” John MacArthur

10. The Kidron brook was just outside the eastern wall of Jerusalem and just before the garden of Gethsemane (Mount Olivet).

11. A cohort of soldiers was up to 600 men.

12. Soldiers came with lanterns, torches, and weapons expecting Jesus to resist arrest.

13. Application:

  • Believers can expect enemies of Jesus to use maximum force against Him.

  • Jesus gave His life, no one took it from Him, so that we can have eternal life with Him.

  • The word of God is powerful.

  • God turned the death of His Son into salvation and eternal life for all who believe. We can trust Him with the circumstances of our life.