December 1, 2024 - Exodus 2:23-25, 3:6-15
December 1, 2024
Introduction to Exodus
by Wayne Gaeddert
1. Exodus means ‘departure’ or ‘going out.’
2. “Our study of Exodus will examine the Israelite's journey from slavery to freedom.” Dr. E. Ray Clendenen
3. The first five books we call the Pentateuch which means ‘ the law.’
4. The Jews call the first five books the ‘Torah’ which means ‘instruction.’
5. The Pentateuch is one continuous narrative. It was divided into five scrolls (or books) since one scroll could not contain the whole.
6. In the 1st century, Jesus and His followers accepted that Moses wrote the Pentateuch.
7. “The Bible might be said to answer two main questions:
1) What is wrong with the world? This is answered in Genesis 1-11.
2) What is God doing about it? This answer ultimately finds its fulfillment with Jesus in the gospels.”
Dr. E. Ray Cledenen
8. Broad outline of Exodus.
I. Oppression of God’s People in Egypt. Exodus 1 – 11
II. Deliverance of God People from Egypt. Exodus 2 – 14
III. Education of God’s People in the Wilderness. Exodus 15 – 18
IV. Consecration of God’s People at Sinai. Exodus 19 – 34
V. Worship of God’s People in the Tabernacle. Exodus 35 – 40
December 1, 2024
Lessons Learned
Exodus 3
by Wayne Gaeddert
1. God has chosen to use people to carry the message of deliverance.
2. Paul used the term ambassador to describe how God makes his appeal through man to be reconciled to God. 1 Cor. 5:20
3. God called Moses by name, God knows your name.
4. God identified the two-fold problem to Moses. Ex 3:7
God has seen the misery of his people in Egypt. Ex 2:25
God had heard the cry of his people in Egypt. Ex 2:24
5. God pays attention to his people.
6. Pharaoh thought he had a firm grip on the Hebrews.
7. Pharaoh had forgotten how, through the Hebrew Joseph, Egypt had been spared from the devastation of the famine.
8. God’s plan was to rescue the Israelites (snatch them away) from the Pharaoh of Egypt.
9. God’s plan was to rescue the Israelites (snatch them away) from the polytheistic religion of Egypt and give them the freedom to worship the true God.
10. God’s plan was to replace oppression with love.
11. God’s plan was to replace the cries of his people with praise for Him.
12. God’s plan was to set His people free through His power and grace.
13. God provides leadership for his people.
14. Moses questions God’s plan to deliver Israel from Egypt’s oppression.
Who am I to do this job? Moses felt unqualified.
What’s your name and who are you? How do I answer their question about who sent me?
15. God did not become angry with Moses’s questions.
16. God answered Moses by promising to be with him and gave him the sign that he would worship God on the mountain.
17. God delivered Israel from Egypt so that they could worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in their own land.
18. God equips those he calls to a task.
19. Application:
God hears, sees, and knows all about you.
God calls people to join in the work that He is going to do through them.
God has called you out of a life of sin so that you would worship Him.