November 1, 2020 - Isaiah 46
November 1, 2020
Lessons Learned
By Wayne Gaeddert
Isaiah 46
1. Chapter 46 outline:
Verses 1-4 Specifically attack the chief deities of Babylon; Bel (Better known as Marduk) and Nebo (Marduk’s son). They will be of no help to Babylon when they are carried away captive by Cyrus king of Persia.
Verses 5-7 Is a general attack on idolatry (similar to Isaiah 40:18-20 that we looked at in last week’s lesson).
Verses 8-13 Are a reminder to the exiles that God is in control. He is the one who accurately predicts future events because He is directing the events of history to execute his plan.
2. Key background verses: Isaiah 44:24-28, 45:1-7,13. These verses identify Cyrus as God’s man to deliver the Israelite's from captivity rebuild Jerusalem and the temple.
3. ‘Bird of prey’ in verse 11 is referring to Cyrus king of Persia.
4. The prophecy about Cyrus was given 150-200 years before he was born. Believers Bible Commentary.
Isaiah’s prophecy about Judah’s deliverance from captivity was written before Judah had been taken captive.
Jeremiah 29:10 is the prophecy that Judah would be captive in Babylon for 70 years.
These prophecies should have brought comfort to God’s people—God said they would become captives but He was going to bring them back home.
5. ‘Remember’ in verse 8 and 9 means to draw strength by contemplating God’s past acts of power..
6. The promise of Isaiah 40:31 is relevant for all time for those who wait upon the LORD.
7. No one has the power or authority to prevent God’s plan from playing out exactly as He planned it.
8. Focus on God during your trials, He will take care of your circumstances.
9. As New Testament believer’s we treasure the promised triumphant return of Jesus Christ—The King of kings and Lord of lords. Rev. 19:6
10. Application:
It is wise to remember to praise God for what He has done in the present.
It is wise to pause and remember what God has done for you in the past—then praise Him.
God is bigger than any situation/circumstance.
Giving anything the place that belongs to God (an Idol) is a foolish trade.
God’s plan will come together in His time.
Jesus is coming again to rule and reign. Let the hope of his return strengthen you.