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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

April 12, 2020 - Easter - Luke 24:1-12

April 16, 2017

Lessons Learned

Matthew 28:1-15
by Wayne Gaeddert
1. Jesus birth, death, resurrection, and ascension were all accompanied with miraculous
A. Birth -Virgin birth Luke 1:27-35
Star (guiding light) for the kings of the east Matt 2:2
Multitude of angels announce birth to the shepherds Luke 2:9-14
Angel to Mary Luke 1:26-27
Angel to Joseph Matt 1:20-21
B. Death- Darkness in the middle of the day Mark 15:33
Veil in the temple torn in two top to bottom Matt 27:51
Tombs opened Mat 27:52-53
C. Resurrection- Violent earthquake Matt 28:2
Announcement of the angel Matt 28:2,5
D. Ascension- A cloud Acts 1:9
Two shining men dressed in white Acts 1:10
2. The women knew exactly the tomb in which Jesus had been buried. Luke 23:55
3. Luke 23:55 identifies the women as the women who came to Jerusalem with Jesus
from Galilee.
4. The women obeyed the law by not coming to the tomb on the Sabbath. Luke 23:56
5. The women went to the tomb very early on Sunday morning. Luke 24:1, Mark 16:2
6. The women identified: Luke 24:10
• Mary Magdalene- 7 demons had come out of her (Luke 8:2-3). She was one of the
women who supported Jesus’ ministry with money and/or goods.
• Joanna- the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household (Luke 8:2-3). She
also supported Jesus’ ministry with money and/or goods.
• Mary mother of James- ??
• Other women- Salome Mark 16:1. There must have been at least one more since
women is plural
7. The women had come to the tomb not knowing it had been sealed and was guarded by
soldiers. Matthew 27:62-66
8. There is no mention of the women encountering the soldiers who had been posted
at the tomb. The angel who rolled the stone away scared the soldiers to death.
Matthew 28:4.
9. The women came to the tomb to express their love for Jesus by giving his body the
proper treatment for burial.
10. The stone would easily roll down the slope to close the entrance to the tomb,
rolling it back up the slope would be very difficult.
11. No force on earth was strong enough to keep Jesus in the tomb.
12. Jesus public claim of deity before the Council (Luke 22:69-70) was proved to be
true by his resurrection.
13. Jesus had told his followers and disciples three times that he would suffer, die, and be
raised on the third day. Matthew 16:21, 17:23, 20:19
14. The angels were gentle with the women (Why do you look for the living among the
dead? He is not here; He is risen!) but point out that they should have expected the
resurrection (Remember how he told you …).
15. The angel’s prompting to ‘remember what Jesus said’ opened their eyes to what had
taken place.
16. The angels point out the necessity (must be delivered… 24:7) of Jesus being crucified
and raised on the third day.
17. People were in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, Israel being delivered from the
bondage of Egypt. Now at Easter, we celebrate being delivered from the bondage and
penalty of sin.
18. The good news of the resurrection must be shared.
19. The fact of the resurrection is one of the best historically attested facts of ancient
history. FF Bruce See J.N.D. Anderson, The Evidence for the Resurrection
20. The death and resurrection of Jesus proves with certainty God’s love for us.
21. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes
in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
22. While He was on the cross, we were on his mind.
23. We are temporarily sheltering in place to protect our health from the corona virus,
more importantly, sheltering your soul in the arms of God has eternal significance.
24. Being infected with the corona virus is a tragedy, but being infected with the virus of
sin without the inoculation of Jesus in your life is a disaster.
25. God’s plan for redeeming sinful mankind is complete. Everyone is accountable to
God as to whether or not they follow his one and only plan.
26. The resurrection and ascension of Jesus is God’s guarantee to mankind that the
suffering and sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was sufficient to pay for the sins of those
who in faith put their trust in Him.
27. The resurrection is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, the hope of the christian.
28. “Easter is the ‘Superbowl’ for the church.” Pastor Drew
29. The Jews considered any part of a day as a day. Jesus was in the tomb Friday
before 6pm, all day Saturday, and part of Sunday (which began Saturday after
6pm). Therefore, this counted as 3 days.
30. There is no mention of the women encountering the soldiers who had been posted
at the tomb. The angel who rolled the stone away scared the soldiers to death.
Matthew 28:4
31. The disciples were disillusioned by the sudden death of Jesus, but they became bold
and empowered by his resurrection through the power of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2
32. 1 Corinthians 15:23 refers to Jesus as the ‘first fruits’ of resurrection, guaranteeing
that when the harvest is ready, all those expressing faith in Jesus will be resurrected
with him. (See Leviticus 23:10 the Old Testament reference to ‘first fruits’).
33. Without the resurrection, we have no gospel (good news).
34. The death of Jesus initially appeared to be a great victory for Satan and the religious
35. In the resurrection of Jesus, God transformed the tragedy into a great victory.
“Death is swallowed up in victory.”
“O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory?” 1 Corinthians 15:54b-55
36. Preparation day was Friday. The Jews did all the work (preparation) on Friday so they
were ready for Saturday (Sabbath) in which they did not work.
37. The guards were placed at the tomb on Saturday, the day after preparation day.
Matthew 27:62
38. John 19:33-34 is clear evidence that Jesus died on the cross, Jesus did not revive
from a coma in the tomb.
39. Christmas initiated the plan of redemption, Easter sealed the deal.
40. Prophets had proclaimed a resurrection. Psalm 16:10
41. Adam’s sin resulted in death for all his descendants. Romans 5:12, 18a
42. Jesus’ obedience and righteousness results in life (resurrection) for all His spiritual
descendants. Romans 5:18-19
43. The resurrected body of Jesus was a real body, He ate some fish. Luke 24:42-43
44. The resurrected body of Jesus was not subject to physical limitations. John 20:19
45. Resurrection day appearances of Jesus:
A. Mary Magdalene John 20:11-18
B. The women while on the way to tell the disciples. Matthew 28:9
C. Two men on the Emmaus Road Luke 24:13-32
D. Simon Luke 24:34
E. The disciples except Thomas. John 20:19-24
46. A traditional Easter greeting in the Western church is the exclamation “He is risen!”
and the traditional response is “He is risen, indeed!” The words are sometimes
accompanied by the exchange of three kisses on alternate cheeks, depending on the
church. In the Orthodox and Catholic churches, the greeting is called the “Paschal
greeting” and is a very old custom. The greeting is ultimately based on Luke 24:34.