April 19, 2020
Lesson 1 Romans 1:1-15 Introduction- Paul had longed for the opportunity to preach the gospel in Rome but was prevented from going, so he wrote a letter.
Romans 1:16-17 The theme to the book- The righteousness of God is revealed in
the gospel.
Lesson 2 Romans 1:18-32 Gentiles are exposed to the general revelation of God thru
creation yet reject God and worship idols and creation rather than the Creator.
Lesson 3 Romans 2:1-29 The self-righteous Jews who have the advantage of God’s Law do not earn favor with God by keeping the rituals of Jewish tradition and the Law.
Lesson 4 Romans 3:21-31 Righteousness through faith—Jews and Gentiles alike receive the righteousness of God by faith (believing) in Jesus Christ who paid the penalty for the sin of mankind.
Romans 4:1-25 Abraham is the example of being justified by faith before the
Law and circumcision.
Lesson 5 Romans 5:1-11 The benefits of those who have been justified.
Lesson 6 Romans 6:1-14 The Christian’s position is dead to sin, the Christian’s walk is to become like Christ.
• Sinful nature buried with Christ. 6:4a
• You have a new life. 6:4b
• Sin is no longer your master. 6:6b
• Don’t let sin reign in your body. 6:12
• God’s grace is on you. 6:14
Romans 7:14-25 A description of the struggle believers have with sin.
Paul uses the word ‘I’ 25 times describing his battle with sin by his own power.
I don’t do what I want. 7:15
I have the desire to do good but not the ability to carry it out. 7:18
The law of my mind is at war with my members. 7:23
With my flesh I serve the law of sin. 7:25
Lesson 8 Romans 8 Living by the Spirit. (‘I’ disappears from the text).
Begins with no condemnation—Ends with no separation.
Assurance that God will not reject us in the end.
Lessons Learned
Romans 8
1. Jesus was condemned by God on the cross to satisfy God’s justice for my sin, therefore by grace, God sees believers as righteous.
2. Jesus was sent in the ‘likeness’ of sinful flesh but He was not sinful.
3. Verses 5-9 contrast: Life in the Spirit (the saved) vs Life in the flesh (the lost).
The Saved The Lost
V5 Set their mind on the Spirit. Set their mind on the flesh.
V6 Spiritual mind is peace and life. Flesh or carnal mind is death.
V7 Hostile to God.
Does not submit to God’s law.
Can not submit to God’s law.
V8 Can not please God.
V9 God’s Spirit lives in them. Do not belong to God.
4. The resurrection power of the Spirit will give life to your mortal body when Jesus
returns for the saints.
5. You are debtors to the Spirit, not to the flesh because:
It is by the Spirit that you put to death the deeds of the body. (We refer to this as
sanctification—becoming like Christ).
The sons of God are led by the Spirit of God.
The Spirit of adoption changed your status from slaves to sons.
God’s Spirit affirms you are a child of God.
Children of God are heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ.
6. Current suffering will be replaced with future glory that far outweighs current suffering.
7. Creation was wrecked by the sin of Adam and is groaning as it waits for the children of God to be revealed and be restored to a new heaven and new earth.
8. The children of God hope and wait patiently for the redemption of their mortal bodies when Jesus comes back to rapture the church.
9. The believers ‘hope’ is waiting for God to do what he has promised.
10. The Spirit intercedes for the saints because we do not know how to pray as we ought.
11. God works things out for good for those who he called for his purpose.
12. The predestined are; called, justified, and glorified.
13. Nothing in this world or out of this world can separate you from God’s love.
14. Believers are valuable to God—He sent his Son to pay the penalty for their sin.
15. God will not lose track of or forget anyone who is saved when He returns to rapture
the church.
16. Believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit.