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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

May 10, 2020 - Romans 12

May 3, 2020
Lesson 1 Romans 1:1-15 Introduction- Paul had longed for the opportunity to preach the gospel in Rome but was prevented from going, so he wrote a letter.
Romans 1:16-17 The theme to the book- The righteousness of God is revealed in
the gospel.
Lesson 2 Romans 1:18-32 Gentiles are exposed to the general revelation of God thru
creation yet reject God and worship idols and creation rather than the Creator.
Lesson 3 Romans 2:1-29 The self-righteous Jews who have the advantage of God’s Law do not earn favor with God by keeping the rituals of Jewish tradition and the Law.
Lesson 4 Romans 3:21-31 Righteousness through faith—Jews and Gentiles alike receive the righteousness of God by faith (believing) in Jesus Christ who paid the penalty for the sin of mankind.
Romans 4:1-25 Abraham is the example of being justified by faith before the
Law and circumcision.
Lesson 5 Romans 5:1-11 The benefits of those who have been justified.
Lesson 6 Romans 6:1-14 The Christian’s position is dead to sin, the Christian’s walk is to become like Christ.
Romans 7:14-25 A description of the struggle believers have with sin.
Lesson 8 Romans 8 Living by the Spirit.
 Romans 8 begins with no condemnation—Ends with no separation.
 Assurance that God will not reject us in the end.
Lesson 9 Romans 10:5-15 Human responsibility (Jew and Gentile) to the gospel and with the gospel after it is believed.
Lesson 10 Romans 11 God’s promises to Israel are irrevocable. God will redeem Israel
after the fullness of the Gentiles has come.

Lesson 11 Romans 12 Living out the gospel.
Lessons Learned
Romans 12
1. “The gospel has two sides—a believing side and a behaving side.” A.M. Hunter
2. Chapter 12 begins a new section of Romans as Paul describes how the gospel is to be lived out in daily relationships with others.
3. “Mercy—Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.” Oxford
4. Everyone will experience either God’s mercy or God’s wrath.
5. Paul’s appeal for the Christians personal devotion to God’s agenda is based on the
mercies of God.
6. A dead sacrifice can not do anything, therefore, Paul appeals to Christians to offer
themselves in Christian service for God’s work as a living sacrifice.
7. In order to please God, the Christian lifestyle should demonstrate a holy character.
8. Offering your life as a living sacrifice to God and living a holy life style is worshiping
9. Conforming to the world is allowing the world to shape your lifestyle. Paul is asking the Christian to be counter cultural. (Christian worldview vs non-biblical worldview).
10. It is the renewed mind (re-programmed by Holy Spirit using God’s Word) that
transforms the life of a person.
11. A transformed life has the will to test the validity of God’s word by applying it to life
12. God has given a gift of grace to everyone. Don’t allow yourself to believe your gift is more important than someone else. Everyone has a different function in the body
(church) to perform. We all depend on each other for the body to be healthy and
complete. (Summary of verses 3-8).
13. Paul gives a list of ten practical ways to demonstrate love for others: (Rom. 12:10-13)
• Brotherly love (ESV)—Love like family.
• Honor others above self (NIV)—Take a back seat.
• Zeal—Don't be lazy, be energetic, get things done.
• Fervent in Spirit—Be on fire in Spirit.
• Serve the Lord—Not your self interests.
• Rejoice in hope—Circumstances do not impact the reality of your hope in Christ.
• Patient in tribulation—Understanding that suffering has a purpose. Romans 5:3
• Constant in prayer—Admission of your dependence on God.
• Contribute to needs of the saints—Demonstrates your faith. James 2:15-17
—Demonstrates your love. 1 John 3:17
• Hospitality—Believers taking care of believers.
14. Getting ‘even’ is the worlds way, returning good for evil is God’s way.
15. Enter into the joys and sorrows of those around you.
16. Harmony means that not everybody is on the same note, but are working together to make a beautiful sound. We may not see eye-to-eye but we can still live in harmony.
17. Do all within your power to be at peace with everyone.
18. God can do a better job of avenging the one who has done evil against you than you can—leave it to God.
19. Only good can win over evil.
20. To be transformed means you are not what you used to be, there has been a fundamental change that is manifested in the way you act, talk, live, your goals, etc.