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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

June 21, 2020 - Proverbs 3:13-35

June 21, 2020
Lessons Learned
Proverbs 3:13-35
1. Outline of Proverbs 3:13-35
• 13-20 Guard wisdom and walk in its ways.
• 21-26 The LORD sustains and secures the path of the righteous.
• 27-30 Actions that are contrary to the law from Leviticus 19:9-18.
• 31-32 Contrast of the devious and the upright.
• 33-35 The Lord blesses those who walk in humility.
2. Walking in the ways of wisdom from verses 13-20.
• Blessed when you find wisdom.
• Is more valuable than silver and gold.
• Is more desirable than jewels or anything else you can imagine.
• Will restore the ‘tree of life’ that Adam and Eve were barred from
eating (Gen. 3:22-24) which God has reserved for those who have
‘washed their robes’ (Rev. 22:14).
• With wisdom God created the heavens and the earth.
• With wisdom God sustains the life of all of creation.
3. Verses 21-35 are an invitation to practice wisdom in your daily life.
4. Solomon is teaching his son how to display wisdom.
5. Do not lose sight of godly wisdom and discretion:
• They give vitality to your inner being (soul).
• They add grace and beauty to your life.
• They enable you to walk safely on your way keeping you free from the danger of being tripped by the enemy.
• You can sleep well because you are not haunted by guilt or fear.
6. Contrast the wicked with the wise:
• Wicked are struck by terror and panic when the storm ruins their lives.
• The wise have put their confidence in the Lord and following his wisdom which
keep you out of trouble and safe in the storm. (House built on the rock or on sand.
Matthew 7:24-27)
7. ‘Do nots’ of verses 27-30.
• Hold back from giving someone what you owe them. (wages, debt, borrowed
item, gratitude, etc.) See Leviticus 19:13
• Put your neighbor (anyone who needs help) off until tomorrow when you can
do it now.
• Devise an evil plan against the neighbor next door whom you are commanded
to love. Leviticus 19:18
• Pick a fight just to stir up trouble. This does not speak well of your testimony
or display the character of God. Romans 15:33 The God of peace…”
8. Contrast the devious and violent with the upright.
• The devious and violent are disgusting and detestable to the Lord.
Therefore, do not envy them.
• The upright are blessed by being at home with the Lord enjoying His fellowship.
9. Contrast the wicked with the righteous.
• The house of the wicked (those who abide with the wicked) are cursed by the Lord.
• The habitation of the righteous (the place where the righteous dwell) is
blessed by the Lord.
10. Verse 34 is quoted in James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5.
11. The humble are the recipients of God’s grace.
12. Those who mock God now will be mocked by God.
13. The choice is left to you:
• To be honored by God—choose wisdom.
• To be disgraced by God—continue on the path of the fool.
14. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7 (ESV)
15. Fool—The Hebrew word suggests stubbornness. The term denotes moral perversion.
The fool thinks of himself without error; he rejects godly wisdom because it
contradicts his own view of knowledge. Argile Smith
16. “The curse or blessing of the Lord follows us to our homes.” Charles Bridges