February 14, 2021 - Luke 6:1-11
February 14, 2021
Lessons Learned
Luke 6:1-11
by Wayne Gaeddert
1. Parallel passages for today’s text: Matthew 12: 1-14 and Mark 2:18 through Mark 3:6.
2. If we become more concerned with the means of worship than with the One we worship, we will miss God even as we think we are worshiping Him. NIV Study Bible note.
3. Matthew 12:7 adds this, “And if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless.” where Jesus quoted from Hosea 6:6.
4. Mark 2:27 adds this, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”
5. God created man with the needs of rest and worship.
6. Sabbath refers to the seventh day of the Jewish week, it began on Friday at sunset and lasted till Saturday at sunset.
7. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8 (The fourth commandment).
8. Shabbat is the Hebrew word for Sabbath. Here is a link to a short movie. Pause the screen that shows the list of 39 areas that are classified as forbidden work on the Sabbath to read through the list. (sowing...reaping...threshing…etc.)
9. Deuteronomy 23:25 allowed for travelers to pick grain with their hands to satisfy their hunger.
10. Jesus responded to the needs of people. Rituals and traditions should not interfere with meeting the needs of people.
11. Jesus is the source, the ruler, and the object of all spiritual activities. Dr. Jere Phillips
12. ‘Son of Man’ is the term Jesus used to identify himself as the Messiah. Dan 7:13
13. Luke uses the term ‘Son of Man’ twenty-five times.
Luke 5:24; 6:5,22; 7:34; 9:22,26,44,58; 11:30; 12:8,10,40; 17:22,24,26,30; 18:8,31; 19:10; 21:27,35; 22:22,48,69; 24:7
14. Jesus’ defense of his disciples plucking and eating grain has two points:
David—the revered great king of Israel—because of hunger was granted the right to eat bread lawful only for priests. 1 Samuel 21:1-9
The Son of Man (Messiah) is lord (master, owner) of the Sabbath. Therefore He is qualified to interpret the law concerning the Sabbath.
15. The Pharisees and teachers of the Law had not come to worship, their intentions were to find fault with Jesus.
16. The religious leaders had no power to help the man with the shriveled hand, yet they did not want Jesus to do anything about it either.
17. Healing was not allowed on the Sabbath because healing was practicing medicine and a person could not practice their profession on the Sabbath.
18. The evil of the religious leaders contrast with the good Jesus did—both happening on the Sabbath. Dr. Jere Phillips
19. Jesus prefaced the healing on the Sabbath was a two-fold question:
Is it lawful to do good or do harm on the Sabbath?
Is it lawful to save life or destroy life on the Sabbath?
20. It is ironic that Jesus healed on the Sabbath and Pharisees retaliated by plotting to kill Jesus on the same Sabbath day. (See Matthew 12:14 Mark 3:6)
21. Application:
Human needs trump religious traditions or rituals.
Do you have any religious rules that you judge others’ activities by?
Do you obey religious rules that prevent you from helping someone in need?
Do good and save life—there is no season where these are prohibited.
2. Jesus and God’s Word are the only absolute authority we have to follow.