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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

July 4, 2021 - Job 36:8-23

                                                                                                              July 4, 2021

 Lessons Learned

Job 36:8-23

by Wayne Gaeddert

1. Broad outline of Job.

I. Introduction 1:1-2:13

II. The debates

A. First cycle 3:1-14:22

B. Second cycle 15:1-21:34

C. Third cycle 22:1-26:14

D. Final defense of Job 27:1-31:40

E. Speeches of Elihu 32:1-37:24

III. The deliverance

A. God interrogates Job 38:1-41:34

B. Job confesses, Worships, and is vindicated 42:1-17

2. Elihu is younger than the other 3 friends of Job. Job 32:4

3. Since Elihu was younger than Job’s other three friends he waited to speak until the three older friends had exhausted their ability to convince Job that evil in his life was the cause of his suffering.

4. In Job 32:2-5, four times it says Elihu ‘burned with anger.’

5. Elihu claims to be an impartial observer. Job 33:3

Elihu accuses Job of ‘empty talk’ and being ‘without knowledge.’ Job 35:16

Elihu claims to be the mouthpiece for God. Job 36:2

Elihu claims that his knowledge is without error. Job 36:4

6. Job’s friends are guilty of wrongly applying principles of God to Job.

7. In Chapter 32 Elihu addresses the three friends of Job who could not convince Job that he needed to repent of evil.

8. Elihu differs from the three friends in that he believes affliction comes to the righteous for the purpose of redirecting them to God. However, he does believe that all affliction is the result of having sin that needs to be repented of.

9. In Chapter 33 Elihu challenges Job to answer if he is able (v5).

10. Job does not answer Elihu, God speaks in chapter 38 after Elihu.

11. In Chapter 34 Elihu concludes that Job:

  • Is without knowledge. V 35

  • Answers like wicked men. V 36

  • Is rebelling against God. V 37

12. In Chapter 35 Elihu says God does not answer Job because of Job’s arrogance. V 12

13. In Chapter 36 Elihu speaks on behalf of God (v2) to inform Job that:

  • God speaks through affliction. V 5-21

  • God is powerful and majestic. V 22-33

14. We serve a great God that deserves our devotion to Him.

15. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

16. “Most of the time it is hard to see God’s hand in difficult circumstances, so we must trust his heart.” Dr. Matt Capps

( Listen to the “Trust His Heart” by Babbie Mason on YouTube)

17. Application:

  • Be careful of those who claim to speak for God without showing you ‘Thus saith the Lord.’

  • It is true that God disciplines his children (Hebrews 12:5-6) but Job is an example that shows not all affliction can be attributed to God’s discipline.

  • Allow God to teach you to trust Him as you persevere through affliction.

  • If you are experiencing affliction due to sin that God has revealed to you—REPENT!