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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

September 12, 2021 - Philippians 1:12-26

                                                                                                  September 12, 2021

 Lessons Learned

Philippians 1:12-26

by Wayne Gaeddert

1. Paul didn’t allow circumstances to steal his joy.

2. What are you living for? Are you living for time (here and now) or eternity?

3. If you are living for fame—To die is to be forgotten.

If you are living for money—To die is to leave it all behind.

If you are living for Power—To die is to lose it all.   Warren Wiersbe

4. Fill in the blank.  

For me to live is                            .

Consider these questions as you fill in the blank.        Robert Thomas

·         Where do you spend spare time and money?

(“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matt. 6:21)

·        What objects or persons give you emotional delight as I mentally brood over them?

·        Where do my thoughts flow in my spare time?

·        To what or whom do I turn during times of emotional upheaval or crisis?

5. Paul spoke the gospel to the guards he was chained to in a country where Caesar was claimed to be god.

6. Let people you are praying for know you are praying for them, it’s an encouragement to them.

7. Consider how the choices you make will impact others.

8. The body of Christ is made up of many different members, be content to serve in the place where God has positioned you.

9. Paul wanted the Philippians to ‘know’ the truth of his circumstances so they could rejoice with him rather than feel sorry for him because he was a prisoner.

10. ‘Not be ashamed’ means that Paul would not run from the battle but face it with courage.

11. Application:

·        Our disappointments may actually be God’s appointments.

·        Your example of Christian living influences and encourages others.

·        All ministry efforts are worthy of praise and rejoicing.

·        How does your life further the cause of the kingdom of Christ?