September 19, 2021 - Philippians 2:1-15
September 19, 2021
Lessons Learned
Philippians 2:1-15
by Wayne Gaeddert
Review Chapter 1. Key verses 6 and 21
Paul greeted them.
Assured them that Jesus would not forsake them.
Paul prayed that they would grow in knowledge and discernment so they would bring glory to God.
Paul reported that his ministry continues despite his imprisonment.
Paul rejoiced at the thought of being delivered from his chains either by life or by death.
2. How has your relationship with Jesus impacted your life?
3. How does your relationship with Jesus impact your relationships with fellow believers?
4. Selfish ambition and conceit are enemies of unity.
5. Jesus is the example for how to put others first.
6. Grumblers sow the seeds of rebellion.
7. There is no place for selfishness in the life of a Christian.
8. Being humble honors God.
9. Ironside summarizes “working out our salvation” as “simply submitting to the truth of God after we have been saved, in order that we may glorify Him, whether as individuals or assemblies of saints in the place of testimony.”
10. Morphē is the Greek word translated as ‘form’ in verses 6 and 7. It means outward appearance.
11. Application:
Your relationship or lack of relationship with Jesus will express itself in your relationships with others.
Jesus temporarily gave up His position in order to make it possible for the repentant sinner to have a position in God’s presence.
The goal of followers of Christ is to live in such a way that they are lights in a sin-sick world.