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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

January 9, 2022 - Ezekiel 37:1-14

                                                                                                         January 9, 2022

 Lessons Learned

Ezekiel 37:1-14

by Wayne Gaeddert

1. Ezekiel 33:21 records that Jerusalem, the last icon of national Israel, has been laid waste. This is a great discouragement to the exiles.

2. The vision of the dry bones in Chapter 37 is Ezekiel’s 3rd of four visions recorded in Ezekiel.

3. Verses 11-14 tells us how to interpret the symbols of the vision:

  • Dry bones represent the house of Israel who believes, because their homeland is destroyed, there is no hope for them.

  • God is going to place Israel in their own land.

  • God is going to give life (spiritual relationship) between God and Israel.

  • Israel will know the LORD as a result of His action.

4. Bones provide the framework for the body.

5. “Whole house of Israel’ in verse 11 refers to the reunited northern and southern kingdoms of Israel.

6. Prophesy means to proclaim what God wants to make known.

7. The dry bones that come together are figurative of the national resurrection of Israel.

8. ‘You shall know that I am the LORD’ is a theme that is repeated 72 times (ESV) in Ezekiel. [Each version of the Bible varies with how many times this phrase occurs.]

9. In Chapter 36 and 37, God has a long list of the things He says, ‘I will’ do for Israel.

10. Behold means to pay close attention to what follows.

11. Israel (northern kingdom) was deported to Assyria in 721 B.C.

12. There were 3 deportations of Judah to Babylon:

  • 605 B.C. included Daniel.

  • 597 B.C. included king Jehoiachin and Ezekiel.

  • 586 B.C. Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed.

13. Application:

  • God keeps His promises.

  • God does not hide from us.

  • God takes the imitative to reach out to us.

  • You are dead in trespasses and sins until, by the grace of God, your life is touched by Christ and you repent of your sins and are made alive together with Christ. Ephesians 2