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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

February 12, 2023 - John 9:24-38

February 12, 2023

Lessons Learned

Gospel of John 9:24-38

by Wayne Gaeddert

1. Three levels of being banned from the synagogue.

  • One week.

  • One month.

  • For life.

2. The sequence of escalation of conflict. John MacArthur

  • Intellectual

  • Emotional

  • Verbal

  • Physical

3. Unbelief is hostile with an aggressive attitude. John MacArthur

4. Unbelief will not bend, it can not be convinced, and always needs more evidence. John MacArthur

5. ‘Give glory to God’ is a way to require the man to answer truthfully under oath.

6. “If I had cherished sin in my heart,
    the Lord would not have listened;
but God has surely listened
    and has heard my prayer.
Praise be to God,
    who has not rejected my prayer
    or withheld his love from me!” Psalm 66:18-20

7. Nowhere in the Old Testament or in history was a man born blind that was made to see.

8. Unbelief will not be convinced by any evidence when they dig their heels in to believe the lie instead the truth presented.

9. ‘Son of Man’ was a favorite way for Jesus to refer to himself and at the same time declare himself to be the Messiah.

10. This story pits the unbelief of the scribes and Pharisees against the belief of the man born blind.

11. A theme in the gospel of John is to believe in Jesus for eternal life.

Some (not all) examples 1:12, 2:11, 3:16, 4:42, 5:24, 6:47, 7:3, 8:24, 9:38

12. Jesus was always met with unbelief. Some examples of unbelief in the gospel of John. 1:11, 3:18, 8:24, 7:5

13. Jesus came to the aid of the healed blind man when he had been thrown out. He will do the same for you.

14. Throughout the story, the blind man’s faith grows.

15. “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:14 ESV

16. Application:

  • Don’t be afraid to take your stand for what you believe about Jesus.

  • No one can deny your testimony of what Jesus had done in your life.

  • When you encounter unbelief, don’t be surprised by verbal and physical attacks.