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Wayne Gaeddert's Teaching

Teaching by Wayne Gaeddert utilizing Explore the Bible materials.

November 19, 2023 - Mark 15:24-39

                                                                                                November 19, 2023

Mark 15:24-39

Lessons Learned

by Wayne Gaeddert

1. Parallel passages Matt. 27:35-54, Luke 23:33-47, John 19:23-30.

2. Golgotha is an Aramaic term. Calvary is the equivalent Latin term.

3. Divided His garments- Jesus was either naked or had only a loin cloth while on the cross.

4. The Bible focuses on who Jesus is (Son of God) and why He gave His life on the cross (Deliver us from the penalty of sin).

5. Humans were created for fellowship with God (Genesis 1:26-27), sin broke that fellowship. Jesus’ death on the cross to pay for the sins of humanity opened the way for fellowship with God without a priest (the veil in the temple separating man from His presence was torn in two from top to bottom).

6. Third hour: 9 am, Sixth hour; noon, Ninth hour; 3 pm.

7. Jesus died on the cross at the time the Passover lambs were slain in preparation for Passover. (Jesus the lamb of God to take away the sin of the world. John 1:29)

8. The charge written against Jesus according to John 19:19, ‘Jesus of Nazareth, The King of the Jews’:

·         Justified Pilate’s decision to have Jesus crucified and was his way of getting revenge on the Jews for forcing him to crucify Jesus..

·         Provoked the Jewish authorities. See John 19:21

9. The Sanhedrin had accused Jesus of blasphemy in their illegal night time trial (Mark 14:63-64), however, before Pilate they accused Jesus of being a political rebel (king).

10. Everyone but the Galilean women, who were followers of Jesus, were mocking, taunting, blaspheming, or showing contempt towards Jesus. This amplifies Romans 5:8 “… while were were still sinners Christ died for us.”

11. All of the ridicule experienced by Jesus is fulfillment of Psalm 22:7-8.

12. Jesus could not save himself and us, He could do one or the other. Have you thanked him for choosing you?

13. The two robbers crucified with Jesus is fulfillment of Isaiah 53:12.

14. Darkness was an Egyptian plague that lasted 3 days Exodus 10:21. Darkness was an Old Testament sign of the judgment of God.

15. Jesus quoted from Psalm 22:1, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

16. Jesus experienced separation from God on the cross.

17. Jesus spoke in Aramaic, “Eloi, Eloi...” which sounds similar to Elijah in Hebrew, so those standing there thought he was calling for Elijah.

18. The soldiers did not take the life of Jesus, He gave his life for us. See John 10:17-18

19. John records that Jesus LOUD cry was, “It is finished!”. See John 19:30

20. Nothing, not even a resurrection, would convince the Jewish rulers of Jesus claim to be the Son of God. However, the Centurion in charge of the execution was convinced that Jesus is the Son of God.

21. The resurrection of Jesus is proof that Jesus is the Son of God.

22. The curtain separating the Holy place from the Most Holy place was torn by God, top to bottom.

23. The curtain was 60 feet by 30 feet by 4 inches thick. It was made to withstand extreme tension.

24. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for the sins of humanity is sufficient cover the sin of every person born into the world. But is is only effective in the lives of those who believe in his name to become children of God. See John 1:11-12

25. Application:

·        Jesus’ death on the cross for our sin ended the need for animal sacrifices.

·        Jesus opened the way for us to have fellowship with God without going through a priest.

·        Jesus died to save sinners like me.